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Writer's pictureIsrael Ajala

#Humanity and #Hope

Updated: 2 minutes ago

In a world rife with challenges and uncertainties, the ideals of humanity and hope stand as pillars of resilience and inspiration. Humanity, with its innate ability for compassion, empathy, and unity, often shines brightest during crises. It is in these times that the true power of the human spirit is unveiled, showcasing an exceptional capacity to connect, support, and elevate one another.

Hope acts as a beacon through the darkness, offering purpose and direction. It is the driving force that encourages individuals and communities to endure, envision better times, and pursue positive transformation against all odds. Hope is not merely a passive desire but a dynamic motivator that spurs action and advances progress.

Together, humanity and hope forge a formidable alliance. Humanity anchors us, reminding us of our collective duties and the significance of mutual care. Hope elevates us, prompting us to envision a brighter future and motivating us to endeavor for it.

Therefore, in a world beset with unpredictability, humanity and hope are vital. They form the foundation of resilience, providing the emotional and tangible support required to confront and surmount difficulties. By fostering these attributes within ourselves and our societies, we can approach any obstacle with bravery and a positive outlook.

Human emotions are intricate and diverse, mirroring the complexity of our internal experiences. Our emotional realm is influenced by personal experiences, societal factors, and biological elements. The manner in which humans process and articulate their emotions is likely shaped by cultural standards and individual traits.



Humanity and Hope

Despite the vast differences in lifestyles and self-expression, universal experiences unite us. Emotions like love, loss, hope, fear, and joy are felt by everyone, crossing geographical and cultural divides. These common experiences lay the groundwork for empathy and compassion. Literature, music, and art often reflect these universal themes, connecting with people worldwide and through time.

It is through our collective experiences and spirit that we navigate life's complexities.

The introduction explores the interconnection of humanity and hope, examining how these essential elements shape our lives and guide our actions.

By reviewing historical and contemporary examples, we aim to underscore the significant influence of hope on human endeavors and the persistent vigor of the human spirit.

Through narratives of victory and resilience, we will observe how hope acts as a driving force for change and a solace in our darkest moments.

As we begin this journey, we invite you to ponder your own experiences and the roles humanity and hope have played in your life.

Together, we will discover the lasting strength of hope and humanity's incredible ability to surmount challenges, enhancing our comprehension of what it truly means to be human.




Rising Moments

Simon and Samantha, clad in camouflage shorts, white t-shirts, and sky-blue trainers, embarked on a lengthy stroll through Bramham Park in Leeds. They ambled with ease, savoring the serenity of a tranquil Sunday afternoon, captivated by squirrels scampering along the rugged, grey bark of trees. A gentle breeze wafted the sweet, subtle aroma of pink Rosa Canina blossoms, infusing the air with a revitalizing scent.

At one juncture, Samantha's lips curled into a sly grin as she stroked the head of an amiable golden retriever that had strayed from its owner to say hello. The pair radiated happiness, their mood elevated by the gentle sunny intervals that illuminated the softly dimming blue sky. Reveling in the park's quietude, they proceeded to the adjacent river to snap pictures of elegant swans, ducks, and geese that sailed smoothly over the water.

Simon reclined in his chair, eyeing Samantha with a blend of inquisitiveness and concern. "No need for fear, Sam," he murmured. "It's merely a letter. We'll confront it together, whatever it may be."

"Hmm, Simon, I detect an odor..." Samantha mused.

"An odor of what?" Simon retorted, locking eyes with her.

"Did you just pass gas?"

"Perhaps it was the 'dog' over there that passed gas," he suggested.

"The white and chocolate brown cocker spaniel?"




Rising Moments

“I think so “.

Simon ,how can you be  lying ?

“I’m not “

Oh yes you are lying .

“Why can’t you just shut up ?”

Because you’re  disgusting.

“Sam, I will get my own back next time”.




Rising Moments

Simon and Samantha concluded their stroll and settled into a meal of freshly baked chicken casserole, with banoffee pie for dessert.

"Sam, you owe me a tenner..."

"For what?"

"Have you forgotten?"

"About what?"

"I bet that it wouldn't rain today, remember?"

"I can't remember."

"Sam, check your text messages from yesterday."

"Just take your tenner and leave me alone."

"Sam, there's a letter on the table; maybe you should open it."


"Because it's addressed to both of us, silly."

"Simon, what's stopping you from opening the letter?"

"Sam, I'd prefer if you opened it."

"Simon, I'm frightened."

"Of what?"

"The unknown."




Rising Moments

Samantha sighed, pushing her plate aside and reaching for the envelope. Her hands trembled slightly as she tore it open. She scanned the contents, her eyes widening.

"What does it say?" Simon asked, his voice now edged with tension.

Samantha swallowed hard, then handed him the letter. "You'd better read it yourself."

Simon took the letter, his heart racing as he began to read. The silence in the room grew thick, only interrupted by the ticking of the clock on the wall.




Rising Moments

"Sam, how many pieces of luggage are you taking?"


"Why do you need three pieces of luggage?"

"Simon, I have clothes and other essentials, silly."

"Have you confirmed your baggage allowance?"

"Yes," Samantha responded, looking exasperated.

Simon and Samantha loaded their suitcases and backpack into the trunk of the Uber they had called and headed to Leeds train station. They arrived at platform 5A and boarded the 12:30 pm train to London King's Cross.

Simon noticed a man in black trousers and a blue checkered shirt, with creamy porcelain skin and salt-and-pepper hair, walking briskly with a blue suitcase. As the man was about to reach the barriers, he suddenly collapsed in what seemed like a fainting spell.

Simon asked Samantha to watch their luggage and quickly went to the man's aid, laying him on his back and retrieving an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). He placed one pad on the upper right side of the man's hairy chest, just below the collarbone, and the other pad a few inches below the armpit on the left side. Following the AED's instructions, Simon administered shocks and performed CPR. After several attempts, the man twitched and squinted as he regained consciousness. Simon sighed with relief and assisted the man to a bench to sit down.




Rising Moments

"Are you alright?" Simon asked the man with genuine concern.

"I'm just a diabetic with a weak heart," the man replied.

"Thank goodness you're alive," Simon expressed with relief.

Samantha offered the man some water. The ambulance that Samantha had called arrived, and two paramedics, a man and a woman, approached in their green uniforms. They introduced themselves briefly, exchanged pleasantries with Simon, and thanked him for his life-saving actions. The paramedics then placed the man on a gurney, wheeled him into the ambulance, and transported him to the hospital.




Rising Moments

Samantha and Simon swiped their bank cards through a set of grey barriers, gliding past waist-high gates. As they hurried to Platform 2, heading eastbound, warm air brushed their faces. They waited for the Piccadilly line, which arrived after five minutes. Once aboard, Samantha sat calmly among the commuters during the trip from London Kings Cross to Heathrow Airport, Terminal 2.

The hour-long journey concluded as the train pulled into its final stop at Heathrow Terminals 1, 2, and 3. Samantha then checked her luggage at the Thai Airways counter, with Simon following suit. Their boarding passes and passports underwent rigorous security checks, and they exhaled in relief afterward. They indulged in some treats from the duty-free shops, keeping an ear out for boarding gate announcements.

Both reviewed their itinerary, filled with curiosity about the lengthy trip ahead. Samantha felt a whirlwind of emotions, excited yet anxious about the 12.5-hour flight to Bangkok, and the subsequent 1.5-hour layover before reaching Yangon International Airport (RGN).

Throughout the flight, Simon and Samantha stayed amused with the in-flight entertainment, though sleep eluded them. Arriving in Yangon, the tropical warmth enveloped them, and they quickly purchased bottled water after retrieving their luggage from the carousel.




Rising Moments

Simon and Samantha had settled into the accommodation provided by “#UNICEF”—a modest two-bedroom bungalow, furnished simply but decently, with running water and enough household appliances to make their stay comfortable. However, the comforts of their home were in stark contrast to the harsh reality surrounding them. In Myanmar, survival had become a daily battle. What was once a vibrant community had been reduced to ruins and silence, as the conflict between the Junta and the rebels tore families apart and homes crumbled into dust.

Despite the destruction, a faint hope lingered on the outskirts of Yangon. One afternoon, while walking through a nearby village to pick up a few items for their new home, Simon and Samantha noticed a commotion. There, in the shadows of a battered alleyway, stood an assailant, clad in a tattered white t-shirt and worn blue jeans. His honey-coloured skin was taut with tension, and his mean, brown eyes flickered dangerously beneath a Mohican haircut. The man loomed over a terrified young woman, clearly intent on taking advantage of her.

Without a second thought, Simon charged toward the scene. "Leave the woman alone!" he shouted, grabbing the man by the scruff of his shirt. The assailant, caught off guard by Simon's sudden intervention, stumbled backward. Simon pushed him with all his strength, sending him crashing to the ground.




Rising Moments

Fearing what might happen next, the assailant scrambled to his feet and fled into the shadows.

Panting, Simon faced the young woman. "Are you alright?" he inquired, concern evident in his tone.

She nodded, speaking in a hushed tone, "I'm fine."

"I'm Simon, and this is my wife, Samantha," he introduced, offering a gentle smile.

"I'm Elaine," the woman responded, her voice shaky yet thankful.

"What brings you here?"

"I've come to purchase some supplies."

"For yourself?"


"For whom then?"

"For the orphanage."

"That's very thoughtful of you."

She was given a helping hand, including assistance from 10 staff members who supported her in managing the orphanage.




Rising Moments

While scavenging for supplies in the ruins of an old school, Elaine discovered twelve children hiding in the basement. Malnourished, terrified, and orphaned by war, they were alone. Elaine could not abandon them. She embraced them as her own, preparing a meal of rice with chicken in green Thai curry sauce, which they eagerly consumed. Determined, Elaine vowed to protect and nurture them.

Elaine, of Thai and Afro-American heritage, was a petite woman with creamy honey-toned skin, chocolate brown eyes, and neatly woven curly dark hair.

As the sole guardian of a hundred orphans, fifty being infants, Elaine's warm smile and steadfast optimism never waned, even as chaos ensued around her. Having lost her own family early in the conflict, she found purpose in bringing hope to children left without kin. Daily, she braved the desolate landscape, collecting food, medicine, and supplies for the survivors. Her enduring spirit shone as a beacon of hope, attracting missionaries and charities as time went on.




Rising Moments

News of Elaine's deeds spread across the village, galvanizing those once paralyzed by fear to unite, driven by her bravery. A fledgling community sprang up around her, each person contributing whatever meager resources they had. Gradually, they restored a semblance of normality among the wreckage. Elaine educated the children, imparting stories and teachings from bygone times to kindle hope for what lay ahead.

However, their tenuous tranquility was jeopardized when word came that a battalion of soldiers was marching towards Luminara. The villagers, stricken with dread, anticipated that the soldiers would raze what they had painstakingly reconstructed. While some contemplated escape, Elaine, steadfast in her resolve, urged them to remain and protect their abode. She held onto the conviction that their display of humanity could perhaps sway the soldiers to act with compassion.

With the march of boots drawing nearer, Elaine rallied the villagers into a nonviolent congregation. She directed them to eschew arms, refrain from hostility, and unite. In the heart of the village, they stood hand in hand, their voices raised in a harmonious anthem of peace that resonated down the desolate byways.




Rising Moments

The soldiers arrived, weapons at the ready, anticipating resistance. Instead, they encountered a community bonded not by force, but by hope and humanity. Elaine, dignified with her dark hair tied back in a bun, wearing blue denim jeans, black trainers, and a yellow t-shirt, stood at the forefront. Her heart raced with fear, yet her eyes were firm with determination. She understood that this moment would shape their destiny. Would the soldiers view them as adversaries, or as fellow humans worthy of empathy?

As the soldiers advanced into the village of Luminara, their stoic expressions revealed nothing. The sound of their boots echoed, disrupting the villagers' tranquil song. Elaine remained at the front, her heart thudding, but her determination unwavering. Children clung to her, their faces turned towards the oncoming threat, filled with uncertainty but trusting in her courage.

Upon reaching the square, the commander stopped his troops with a decisive gesture. He observed the villagers—worn and frail from enduring months of difficulty, yet standing together, unarmed and steadfast. His gaze settled on Elaine, who faced him with an unflinching stare.

"We have nothing left to fight with," Elaine declared, her voice resolute, "but we stand here to protect our home, our humanity. We plead for mercy, not for ourselves, but for the children who represent our future."




Rising Moments

For a moment, the village was suspended in tension. The soldiers shuffled, their grips on their weapons tightening in uncertainty. Yet the commander remained silent. He advanced, his face a mask of inscrutability.

Elaine stepped forward. "War has already taken so much from us," she spoke gently. "We choose peace. You too have that choice. The true #power of a ruler lies in compassion, not in authority."

The commander surveyed the villagers' faces—the children nestled against their mothers, the elders standing with resolute defiance—and something within his stern facade began to crumble. His weapon descended, and gradually, his soldiers did the same.

Silently, the commander pivoted and signaled his men to depart from the village, leaving the inhabitants of Luminara in a hushed awe. A wave of collective relief swept through them, and Elaine's eyes brimmed with tears as the gravity of their triumph dawned upon her.

They had prevailed. In the face of overwhelming odds, they had safeguarded their home through solidarity, bravery, and hope.

As time passed, the village's resolve only fortified. Elaine's tale ascended to the realm of legends, and the children she had shielded flourished, fueled by the legacy of a woman who taught them that even amidst the bleakest hours, peace could be their most formidable ally.



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